Since the problem persists, with Motorola being the chosen vendor of most waiver requests for early deployment of 700 MHz broadband networks, the committee called attention to five issues, requesting a reponse from the FCC regarding:
- A list of waiver recipients and applicants and their vendors
- Competitive bidding process information in waiver recipient jurisdictions
- Confirmation that the vendor is supplying open, LTE standard-compliant equipment
- Indication of whether said vendors intend to implement proprietary broadband capabilities, and impact on:
- network and device equipment prices relative to commercial equipment
- innovation in PS wireless technology
- terminated product lines or new mandatory releases resulting in unique costs relative to commercial costs
- interoperability on application, device, and network levels among networks from other vendors
- ability of PS users to enter into partnerships with commercial wireless providers
- competition in the market
- the effect of the FCC's National Broadband Plan, which found that encouraging incentive-based partnerships with a variety of commercial operators would benefit PS
- The dominant vendor's effects on construction of early deployed PS networks regarding:
- adoption of final technical and operations rules, and costs of any of the rules calling for changes (Would the agencies be responsible for these costs?)
- achievement of a nationwide interoperable system at the device, application, and network levels
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